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Ways To Prepare For Your Oral Surgery

Posted on 10/31/2023 by Dallas Oral Surgery Associates - Dallas
Close-up of teeth with a gap at Dallas Oral Surgery AssociatesFor many people, receiving oral surgery procedure is a daunting experience. However, with proper preparation, it is possible to see the process get much smoother and a bit more comfortable than you think. Oral surgeons want you to have a positive experience when receiving your surgery. As such, you are provided with pre and post-op preparation instructions to see that everything goes well. Here are some ways you can prepare for your oral surgery.

Consult with the Oral Surgeon

You will need to schedule a consultation with the oral surgeon. It will help discuss things like your medical history and the medications you might be using. Any concerns you have at this time are raised to the oral surgeon. During this appointment, the oral surgeon explains the procedure and the things to expect to encounter before, during, and after.

Planning for the Recovery Time

You need to plan properly for the recovery. Take time off work and stock your fridge with soft, non-spicy foods that you will be consuming during the first days. Also, see that you have someone who can drive you home from the appointment.

Get the Surgeon's Instructions Clear

After the surgery, the surgeon gives you instructions that you have to follow. Also, during the consultation, you will be provided with pre-surgery instructions. Make sure you follow them all. You may be asked to avoid eating before the surgery due to the use of sedatives. Avoid drinking or eating anything about six to eight hours prior to the surgery.

Get Someone to Accompany You

You will be weak and still drowsy since the sedative won't have dispersed from the body entirely after the surgery. Getting someone with you helps with any little errands you might have.

Have Time for Recovery and Rest

Take time off work so that you get the body to rest and start healing. The healing isn't just for the mouth, but also the entire body. Giving the body rest and allowing enough time for the wound to heal helps ensure you have a comfortable experience. Only get to work after you feel that you have recovered. Talk to us about your upcoming oral surgery to get more details.

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