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Tooth Extraction
Dallas, TX

Illustration of a tooth being extractedTooth extractions refer to the removal of a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. If decay or injury has damaged one of your teeth, some reparative treatments such as a crown or filling may be viable. If the tooth is irreparable, however, it will likely need to be extracted from the mouth.

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

As mentioned above, teeth that are too severely damaged to be repaired with a crown or a filling will need to be extracted. Likewise, if a loose tooth cannot be saved with a bone graft, it may need to be extracted.

For our younger patients, baby teeth may need to be extracted if they have not grown in properly or are blocking permanent teeth from erupting. Patients planning on braces may also need teeth extracted if they are restricting or blocking the teeth that are expected to be moved. Some teeth may also interfere with treatment when a patient is receiving radiation or cancer medication. Additionally, our office provides options for patients seeking tooth extraction for pain management.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Most patients will typically have 4 wisdom teeth, all of which are expected to erupt before the age of 25. Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common oral surgery procedures performed in our office. If your wisdom teeth are infected, impacted, causing cysts, or crowding other teeth, it is best to schedule a wisdom teeth removal to prevent further pain, discomfort, or disease.

If all 4 wisdom teeth need to be extracted, our surgeons will suggest having all wisdom teeth removed at once.

Preparation For Tooth Extraction

Dr. Wallace will first take an x-ray of the teeth and the affected area to determine the best treatment plan and approach to extracting the tooth. We may use a panoramic x-ray to capture all the teeth at once, especially for patients having their wisdom teeth removed.

During your consultation, you will be asked to provide your full medical and dental history, as well as a list of all the medications you are actively taking. This list should include prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, vitamins, and supplements that are incorporated into your daily routine.

Surgery And Recovery

There are a number of precautions that we ask patients to take prior to surgery. During your consultation appointment, we will provide you with paperwork to aid you in preparing for surgery. If you have a compromised immune system, an infection, specific medical conditions, or a lengthy surgery, your doctor may prescribe you antibiotics to be taken after surgery.

You will be asked to make arrangements with a friend, family member, or ride sharing service to drive you home following surgery. Patients must refrain from eating or drinking anything in the 6-8 hours prior to surgery, and we also ask that you refrain from smoking to the best of your ability. Smoking on the day of your extraction can place you at risk of dry socket and other complications.

Our paperwork will also provide advice if you are scheduled to receive anesthesia. If you are receiving anesthesia through an IV, we suggest wearing short sleeves or sleeves that can be easily rolled up to allow our anesthesia team to more easily place the IV line in your arm. Both conscious sedation and general anesthesia are administered through an IV, so we do not recommend wearing restrictive clothing or sleeves to your surgical appointment.

If you experience nausea, vomiting, congestion, a cold, or a cough within a week before surgery, let our office know immediately. Your doctor may withhold anesthesia or reschedule your extraction for your safety.

We will send paperwork home with you after surgery to provide instructions on proper care during the recovery period. Follow these instructions carefully and call our office if any concerns arise.

If you are seeking a wisdom teeth extraction or more information on general tooth extractions, give us a call today at 214-363-9946!

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Tooth Extraction - Dallas Oral Surgery Associates - Dallas, TX
Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket. Call Dallas Oral Surgery Associates right now and schedule a checkup of your oral health!
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